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Command identifiers can be used for the following methods to perform an action on an element:
Methods Support Description
(document, TextRange, ...)
Allows running commands on certain objects.
(document, TextRange, ...)
Returns whether the execution of the specified command can be successful, using the execCommand method.
(document, TextRange, ...)
Returns whether the specified command is in an indeterminate state.
(document, TextRange, ...)
Returns the current state of the specified command.
(document, TextRange, ...)
Returns whether the specified command is supported by the current object.
(document, TextRange, ...)
Returns the description of the specified command.
(document, TextRange, ...)
Returns the actual value of the specified command.

List of available commands:

Command Support Description Value
Enables or disables moving absolute and relative positioned elements by dragging.

See Example 2.
Boolean that indicates whether the move of positioned elements are allowed.
Sets the background color of the current selection in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari and the background color of the editable region that contains the selection (or the caret) in Firefox and Opera. To change the background color of the selection in Firefox and Opera, use the hiliteColor command. String that specifies the color.
Toggles the bold state of the current selection. It uses the strong element in Internet Explorer and the b element in other browsers to make text bold.

See Example 1.
Deletes all authentication credentials from the browser's cache. Omitted.
Makes the document editable or read-only. Boolean.
Copies the current selection to the clipboard. The UniversalXPConnect privilege is required for this command in Firefox. Omitted.
Inserts the current selection into a named anchor element (bookmark), or returns the name of a bookmark anchor for the current selection. String that specifies the name of the anchor.
Inserts the current selection into an anchor element and specifies the href property of the anchor. String that specifies the URL of the anchor. Required in Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari, and optional in Internet Explorer. If no value is specified, this command displays a dialog box for the URL in Internet Explorer.
Cuts the current selection from the document and copies it to the clipboard. The UniversalXPConnect privilege is required for this command in Firefox. Omitted.
Inserts the current selection into a small element. Omitted.
Deletes the current selection from the document.

See Example 1.
Specifies whether inserting and deleting table rows and columns are allowed. Boolean.
Specifies whether resizing objects is allowed. Boolean.
Specifies a font family name for the current selection. String that specifies the font name.
Specifies a font size for the current selection. Integer between 1 and 7.
Specifies a font color for the current selection.

See Example 1.
String that specifies the color.
Inserts the current selection into a block element. String that specifies the name of the element. In Internet Explorer, the name of the element must be placed between tag delimiters (such as "<H1>"). Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari support all block elements, Internet Explorer supports only the h1 - h6, address and pre elements.
Inserts the current selection into the specified heading element (h1 - h6). String that specifies the name of the element.
Sets the background color of the current selection. In Internet Explorer, use the BackColor command instead. String that specifies the color.
Inserts the current selection into a big element. Omitted.
Indents the block element where the current selection is located. Omitted.
Specifies whether the Enter key inserts a br element. Boolean.
Replaces the current selection with a button element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with a fieldset element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Inserts a horizontal rule element in place of the current selection or at the carret position. In Internet Explorer, if no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Inserts an HTML formatted content in place of the current selection or at the carret position. String that specifies the HTML formatted content.
Replaces the current selection with an iframe element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Inserts an img element in place of the current selection or at the carret position. In Internet Explorer, if no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the src property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:button element. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with a input:checkbox element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with a input:file element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:hidden element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:image element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:password element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:radio element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:reset element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:search element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an input:text element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with a marquee element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Creates or removes an ordered list based on the current selection or carret position. In Internet Explorer, if no content is selected, this command has no effect. Omitted.
Inserts a p element in place of the current selection or at the carret position. In Internet Explorer, if no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with a drop-down select element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with an listbox select element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Replaces the current selection with a textarea element. If no content is selected, this command has no effect. String that specifies the id property of the newly added element or null.
Creates or removes an unordered list based on the current selection or carret position. In Internet Explorer, if no content is selected, this command has no effect. Omitted.
Toggles the italic state of the current selection. It uses the em element in Internet Explorer and the i element in other browsers to make text italic.

See Example 1.
Centers the text content of the block element where the current selection is located. Omitted.
Justifies the text content of the block element where the current selection is located. Omitted.
Aligns the text content of the block element where the current selection is located to the left. Omitted.
Aligns the text content of the block element where the current selection is located to the right. Omitted.
Enables or disables whether the appearance of an element should be updated continuously during a resizing or moving operation. Boolean that indicates whether the appearance of an element should be updated continuously.
Enables or disables multiple selection for a select element.

See Example 3.
Boolean that indicates whether multiple selection is allowed.
Outdents the block element where the current selection is located. Omitted.
Toggles the text-entry mode between insert and overwrite. Boolean. If true, the text-entry is in overwrite mode.
Inserts the contents of the clipboard in place of the current selection or at the carret position. The UniversalXPConnect privilege is required for this command in Firefox. Omitted.
Opens the print dialog. Omitted.
Redoes the previous undo action. Omitted.
Refreshes the contents of the current document. Omitted.
Removes all formatting from the current selection. Omitted.
Opens the Save As dialog box so the user can save the current document to a file. String that specifies the path and the name of the file to save, or null.
Selects all contents within the editable region. Omitted.
Toggles the current selection between strike through and normal. It uses the s element to make text strike through. Omitted.
Specifies whether CSS or HTML formatting should be generated by the execCommand method into the document. Boolean. If true, the execCommand method generates CSS formatting.
Toggles the current selection between subscript and normal type. It uses the sub element to make text subscript. Omitted.
Toggles the current selection between superscript and normal type. It uses the sup element to make text superscript. Omitted.
Toggles the current selection between underlined and normal. It uses the u element to make text underlined. Omitted.
Undoes the previous action. Omitted.
Removes the anchor link from the current selection. Omitted.
Clears the current selection. Omitted.
Deprecated, use the styleWithCSS command instead. Specifies whether CSS or HTML formatting should be used for the generated content. Boolean.


This example implements a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor:
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var editorDoc;
        function InitEditable () {
            var editor = document.getElementById ("editor");

            if (editor.contentDocument)
                editorDoc = editor.contentDocument;
                editorDoc = editor.contentWindow.document;
            var editorBody = editorDoc.body;

                // turn off spellcheck
            if ('spellcheck' in editorBody) {   // Firefox
                editorBody.spellcheck = false;

            if ('contentEditable' in editorBody) {
                    // allow contentEditable
                editorBody.contentEditable = true;
            else {  // Firefox before version 3
                if ('designMode' in editorDoc) {
                        // turn on designMode
                    editorDoc.designMode = "on";                

        function ToggleBold () {
            editorDoc.execCommand ('bold', false, null);
        function ToggleItalic () {
            editorDoc.execCommand ('italic', false, null);
        function SetRed () {
            editorDoc.execCommand ('foreColor', false, "#ff0000");
        function Delete () {
            editorDoc.execCommand ('delete', false, null);
<body onload="InitEditable ();">
    First, write and select some text in the editor.
    <br />
    <iframe id="editor" src="editable.htm"></iframe>
    <br /><br />
    You can use the following buttons to change the appearance of the selected text:
    <br /><br />
    <button onclick="ToggleBold ();">Bold</button>
    <button onclick="ToggleItalic ();">Italic</button>
    <button onclick="SetRed ();">Set to red</button>
    <button onclick="Delete ();">Delete</button>
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This example shows how to use the '2D-position' command in Internet Explorer:
    <script type="text/javascript">
            // the '2D-position' command throws an exception in Firefox
        try {
                // enables moving absolute and relative positioned elements by dragging
            document.execCommand ("2D-position", false, true);
        catch (e) {};
        function UpdateCoords (blueElem){
            var posX = document.getElementById ("posX");
            var posY = document.getElementById ("posY");
            posX.innerText = blueElem.offsetLeft;
            posY.innerText = blueElem.offsetTop;
    Move the blue element with your mouse!
    <div contenteditable="true" style="border:1px solid #000000; height:200px;">
        <div onmove="UpdateCoords (this)" style="width:200px;height:80px; background-color:blue; position:absolute;">
    <br /><br />
    The position of the blue element relative to the top-left corner of the document:<br />
    X pos: <span style="color:red" id="posX"></span><br/>
    Y pos: <span style="color:red" id="posY"></span>
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This example shows how to use the 'multipleSelection' command in Internet Explorer:
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function Init () {
                // the 'multipleSelection' command throws an exception in Opera
            try {
                    // enables multiple selection in Internet Explorer
                document.execCommand("multipleSelection", false, true);
            catch (e) {};

        function SelectButtons () {
            var editor = document.getElementById ("editor");
            if (editor.createControlRange) {        //Internet Explorer
                var buttons = editor.getElementsByTagName ("button");

                var controlRange = editor.createControlRange ();
                for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
                    controlRange.add (buttons[i]);

            else {
                alert ("Your browser does not support this example!");
<body onload="Init ();">
    <div id="editor" contenteditable="true" style="background-color:#e0f0e0;">
        <button>Sample button</button>
        <br /><br />Sample text inside the editor.<br /><br />
        <button>Another button</button>
    <br /><br />Click on the button below to select all buttons with the controlRange collection.<br /><br />
    <button onclick="SelectButtons ();">Select all buttons inside the editor!</button>
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