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event attribute (script)

Browser support:
Sets an event that the script element should listen for.
Use it together with the for attribute that specifies the source object of the event. For a cross-browser solution use inline event attributes. See Example 2 for details.
JavaScript page for this attribute: event. You can find other example(s) there.

Possible values:

String that sets the name of the event. For a complete list of events in HTML, see the page for events.
Default: this attribute has no default value.

Example HTML code 1:

This example illustrates the use of the event attribute:
    <script type="text/javascript" for="myButton" event="onclick">
        alert ("You have clicked on the button.");
    <button id="myButton">Sample button</button>
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Example HTML code 2:

This example is equivalent to the previous one, but it uses inline event handling to listen the event:
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function OnButtonClick () {
            alert ("You have clicked on the button.");
    <button onclick="OnButtonClick ();">Sample button</button>
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