You are here: Reference > JavaScript > client-side > xml handling > methods > getResponseHeader (XMLHttpRequest)

getResponseHeader method (XMLHttpRequest)

Browser support:
Returns the value of the specified response header.
The response headers contain information about the server and the retrieved content ('Content-Length', 'Content-Type', ...). To get all response headers together, use the getAllResponseHeaders method.


object.getResponseHeader (name);
You can find the related objects in the Supported by objects section below.


Required. String that specifies the name of the response header to retrieve. The following list contains some of the commonly used names. If you need a more complete list, please visit the HTTP response headers (Wikipedia) page.
The size of the response body, in bytes.
The content type of the response body.
The current server time when the response was sent.
The date and time when the resource was last modified.
The type and version of the web server.

Return value:

String. The value of the specified response header.

Example HTML code 1:

This example illustrates the use of the getResponseHeader method:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var httpRequest = null;

        function SendRequest () {
            if (!httpRequest) {
                httpRequest = CreateHTTPRequestObject ();   // defined in ajax.js
            if (httpRequest) {          
                    // The requested file must be in the same domain that the page is served from.
                var url = "news.xml";
       ("GET", url, true);    // async
                httpRequest.onreadystatechange = OnStateChange;
                httpRequest.send (null);

        function OnStateChange () {
            if (httpRequest.readyState == 0 || httpRequest.readyState == 4) {
                if (IsRequestSuccessful (httpRequest)) {    // defined in ajax.js
                    Test_ResponseHeaders ();
                else {
                    alert ("Operation failed.");

        function Test_ResponseHeaders () {
            var contType = httpRequest.getResponseHeader ("Content-Type");
            var contLength = httpRequest.getResponseHeader ("Content-Length");
            var lastMod = httpRequest.getResponseHeader ("Last-Modified");
            alert ("Content-Type: " + contType + "\n" + 
                   "Content-Length: " + contLength + "\n" +
                   "Last-Modified: " + lastMod);

    <button onclick="SendRequest ()">Test response headers</button>
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