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CSS properties


Border properties:
Property Support Description
Sets up to three separate border properties, in a shorthand form.
Sets the color, style and width properties for the element's bottom border, in a shorthand form.
Specifies the color of the element's bottom border.
Specifies the style of the element's bottom border.
Specifies the width of the element's bottom border.
Specifies the color of the element's border.
Specifies the color, style and width properties for the element's left border, in a shorthand form.
Specifies the color of the element's left border.
Specifies the style of the element's left border.
Specifies the width of the element's left border.
Specifies the color, style and width properties for the element's right border, in a shorthand form.
Specifies the color of the element's right border.
Specifies the style of the element's right border.
Specifies the width of the element's right border.
Specifies the style of the element's border.
Specifies the color, style and width properties for the element's top border, in a shorthand form.
Specifies the color of the element's top border.
Specifies the style of the element's top border.
Specifies the width of the element's top border.
Specifies the width of the element's border.
Margin properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left margins, in that order.
Specifies the bottom margin of the object.
Specifies the left margin of the object.
Specifies the right margin of the object.
Specifies the top margin of the object.
Padding properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left spaces between an element's border and its contents, in that order.
Specifies the space between an element's bottom border and its contents.
Specifies the space between an element's left border and its contents.
Specifies the space between an element's right border and its contents.
Specifies the space between an element's top border and its contents.
Outline properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies a shorthand form for all outline properties at once. Outline is a line around an element, but different from the border property.
Specifies the color for the outline for an element.
Sets the amount of space between the outline and the border or the edge of the element.
Specifies the style for an element's outline.
Specifies the width for an element's outline.

Background properties:

Property Support Description
Specifies up to five separate background properties, in a shorthand form.
Specifies whether the background-image should scroll with the contents of the object or not.
Specifies the color to use for the background of the object.
Specifies the image to use as the background of the object.
Sets the position of the background-image within the element.
Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the background-image relative to the upper-left corner of the container object.
Specifies the vertical-coordinate of the background-image relative to the upper-left corner of the container object.
Specifies how to tile the background-image relative to the upper-left corner of the container object.

Scrollbar properties:

Property Support Description
Specifies the color of the outer top and left bevel edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of the scroll bar.
Specifies the color of the arrow of the scroll bar.
Specifies the main color of the scroll bar.
Specifies the color of the outer bottom and right bevel edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of the scroll bar.
Specifies the color for the face of the scroll bar.
Specifies the color of the top and left edges of the scroll bar.
Specifies the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll bar.
Specifies the color of the scroll bar's track element.

Text and font properties:

Font properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the color of the element's text content.
Specifies up to six separate font properties, in a shorthand form.
Specifies the font face for text.
Specifies the font size of the text.
Specifies font aspect value (font size divided by x-height).
Specifies whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique.
Specifies a variation of the specified or default font-family.
Specifies the font weight of the text.
Specifies the appearance characteristics of text, whether it is underlined, overlined, lined-through or blinking text.
Specifies a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element.
Specifies the position of the underline decoration.
Text properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the text direction.
Specifies the amount of space between letters.
Specifies the distance between lines of text in a block-level element.
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text within the element.
Specifies the alignment type of the last or only line of text in the element's contents.
Specifies the spacing rules between Western and Asian-based (such as Japanese and Chinese) characters.
Specifies the horizontal indent for the first line of text.
Specifies how justified text should be aligned and spaced.
Specifies how to justify lines of text by elongating characters at algorithmically-selected points in Arabic writing systems.
Specifies how to handle the overflowed area of text.
Specifies the case of the text.
Specifies whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document. Use with the direction property.
Specifies the spacing between words.
Specifies the intrinsic writing direction of the element's content.
Text layout:
Property Support Description
Specifies the flow and direction of the content in an element.
Specifies up to four separate layout-grid properties that specify the layout of text characters.
Specifies the size of the character grid for the layout of an element's text content.
Specifies the gridline value used for laying out Japanese or Chinese characters in a web document.
Specifies whether the text layout grid uses one or two dimensions.
Specifies the type of grid to be used for laying out Japanese or Chinese characters in a web document.
Breaking rules:
Property Support Description
Specifies the line-breaking rules for Chinese, Japanese or Korean text.
Specifies how spaces, tabs, and newline characters inside the element are handled.
Specifies the line breaking rule within words.
Specifies whether the current line should break if the content exceeds the boundaries of its container.

Element type properties:

Ruby element properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the Ruby text defined by the rt tag, relative to the base text defined by the ruby tag.
Specifies the Ruby text position, relative to the base text defined by the ruby tag.
Specifies the position of the Ruby text (rt).
Table element properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies whether the borders of a table are joined in a single border or not.
Specifies the space between cells in a table.
Specifies the position of the caption box within a table element.
Specifies whether the border and background of empty table cells should be shown or not.
Specifies the way to lay out table cells, rows, and columns.
List element properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies up to three separate listStyle properties for an object.
Specifies a graphic image for a list label.
Specifies whether the list marker for a list item should appear inside or outside the list-item box.
Specifies the style of the list marker bullet or numbering system within a list.
Input element properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the state of an Input Method Editor (IME) for user text entry fields. IME allows users to enter and edit Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters.

Mouse properties:

Property Support Description
Specifies the type of cursor to display for the pointing device (mouse).

Aural properties:

Property Support Description
Specifies the cue-before and cue-after properties in a shorthand form in aural style sheets.
Specifies the sound file to play after an element.
Specifies the sound file to play before an element.
Specifies the minimum number of lines at the start of an element's rendered content that must be visible at the bottom of a page.
Specifies a shorthand property for setting the pause-before and pause-after properties for speaking the element's content.
Specifies that the browser should insert a pause after speaking the element's content.
Specifies that the browser should insert a pause before speaking the element's content.
Specifies a shorthand property for setting the rest-before and rest-after properties for speaking the element's content.
Specifies that the browser should insert a rest after speaking the element's content.
Specifies that the browser should insert a rest before speaking the element's content.
Specifies how the browser should speak the content.
Specifies the type of voice to use as speak control.

Element display properties:

Element dimension properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies how the width and the height of the element are calculated. It affects the height and width properties.
Specifies the height of the visible area for an element.
Specifies the maximum height for the visible area of an element.
Specifies the maximum width for the visible area of an element.
Specifies a minimum height for the visible area of an element.
Specifies the minimum width for the visible area of an element.
Specifies whether an element is resizable and if so, along which axis.
Specifies the width of the visible area for an element.
Element position properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the bottom coordinate of a positioned element.
Specifies the left coordinate of a positioned element.
Specifies what type of positioning method is used to render the current element.
Specifies the right coordinate of a positioned element.
Specifies the top coordinate of a positioned element.
Overflowing content:
Property Support Description
Specifies what to do with content outside the element's rendering area.
Specifies what to do with content that exceeds the element's width.
Specifies what to do with content that exceeds the element's height.
Visual appearances:
Property Support Description
Specifies the position of the element relative to floating objects.
Specifies which part of a positioned element is visible.
Specifies the element's display type.
Specifies the filter or collection of filters applied to the object.
Specifies the horizontal alignment of the object.
Specifies the rendering mode for scaled images.
Sets the transparency level of an element. For Internet Explorer, use filter with 'Alpha(opacity=percent)'.
Specifies how to align an element vertically.
Specifies whether the element is visible.
Specifies the stack level of positioned objects.
Specifies the zoom level of the element's content.

Generated content properties:

Property Support Description
Specifies the generated content after or before the element.
Specifies the list of counters and increment values.
Sets the list of counters and their initial values.
Specifies the pairs of quotation marks for the 'open-quote' and 'close-quote' values of the content property.

Print and print preview specific properties:

Property Support Description
Specifies whether a page break occurs after the object when printing.
Specifies whether a page break occurs before the object when printing.
Specifies the page-breaking behavior that should occur inside an element's rendering box when printing.
Specifies the minimum number of lines at the end of an element's rendered content that must be visible at the top of a page.

Internet Explorer specific properties:

Property Support Description
Sets the interpolation algorithm for scaling an image.
Specifies whether the object contains an accelerator key.
Sets the URL of a behavior file.

Mozilla (Firefox) specific properties:

Visual properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies theme rendering mode for an element. Allows you to make an element look like a standard user interface element.
Specifies whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness.
Sets the opacity level. For a cross-browser solution, use the opacity property in Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera, and the filter property ('filter:Alpha(opacity=50)') in Internet Explorer.
Specifies the two-dimensional linear transformation applied to an element. The origin of the transformation is specified by the -moz-transform-origin property.
Specifies the origin of two-dimensional linear transformations specified with the -moz-transform property.
Background properties:
Property Support Description
Sets which part of background is visible.
Specifies how the background-image of an inline element is determined when the contents of the inline element wrap onto multiple lines.
Specifies how the background-position property is determined, i.e. it defines the reference point that the background-image is relative to.
Border properties:
Property Support Description
Sets the border colors for the bottom edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line.
Specifies the color, style and width properties for the end of the element's border, in a shorthand form. Use the border-left property instead.
Sets the color of the element's border end. Use the border-left-color property instead.
Sets the style of the element's border end. Use the border-left-style property instead.
Sets the width of the element's border end. Use the border-left-width property instead.
Specifies an image to use as the border of the element. The image is sliced into 9 pieces along the four diagonals specified with the length units.
Sets the border colors for the left edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line.
Sets the rounding of the corners of the border.
Sets the rounding of the lower left corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the lower right corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the upper left corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the upper right corner of the border.
Sets the border colors for the right edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line.
Specifies the color, style and width properties for the start of the element's border. Use the border-right property instead.
Specifies the color of the element's border start. Use the border-right-color property instead.
Specifies the style of the element's border start. Use the border-right-style property instead.
Specifies the width of the element's border start. Use the border-right-width property instead.
Sets the border colors for the top edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line.
Box properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children.
Specifies the direction in which the children of a box are placed.
Specifies how an element grows to fill the box that contains it, relative to its siblings.
Sets the display order in which objects appear within a box.
Specifies whether the children of a box element should be laid out horizontally or vertically.
Specifies where child elements of the box are placed when the box is larger than the size of the children.
Specifies a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the box of the element.
Specifies how the width and the height of the element are calculated. It affects the height and width properties.
Column properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the number of columns that the contents of the element should be flowed into.
Specifies the amount of space between columns.
Specifies the style, color and width of the column rule.
Specifies the color of the column rule.
Specifies the style of the column rule, which is placed in the middle of the column gap.
Specifies the width of the column rule, which is placed in the middle of the column gap.
Specifies the suggested width of columns. The width of a column may be different from this value depending on its contents.
Margin properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the width of the left or the right margin, depends on the writing direction.
Specifies the width of the left or the right margin, depends on the writing direction.
Outline properties:
Property Support Description
Sets the outline of the element.
Sets the color of the outline.
Sets the amount of space between the outline and the border or the edge of the element.
Sets the rounding of the outline corners.
Sets the rounding of the lower left outline corner.
Sets the rounding of the lower right outline corner.
Sets the rounding of the upper left outline corner.
Sets the rounding of the upper right outline corner.
Sets the style of the left, right, top, and bottom borders of the object.
Sets the width of the outline.
Padding properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depending on the writing direction.
Specifies the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depending on the writing direction.
User interaction properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies whether the element can have focus.
Specifies whether the element can have the input focus.
Specifies which part of the contents of an element can be modified by the user.
Specifies whether the text of the element can be selected.
Additional properties:
Property Support Description
Sets the URL of the XBL (Extensible Binding Language) file containing the binding.
Specifies whether the browser should display the "image failed to load" image instead of a real height.

Opera specific properties:

Aural properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies a phonetic pronunciation for the text contained by the corresponding element.
Specifies the average frequency of the speaking voice.
Specifies the variation from the average pitch of the voice.
Specifies the number of spoken words per minute.
Specifies the strength of emphasis to be applied.
Sets the volume of a spoken element.
Specifies how to interpret the contents of the corresponding element.
Specifies a phonetic pronunciation for the text contained by the corresponding element.
Sets the balance between left and right channels.
Specifies how long a given element is to be rendered.
Specifies the average frequency of the speaking voice.
Specifies the variation from the average pitch of the voice.
Specifies the number of spoken words per minute.
Specifies the strength of emphasis to be applied.
Sets the volume of a spoken element.
Background properties:
Property Support Description
Sets the size of the background image.
Text properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies how to handle the overflowed area of text.

Safari and Google Chrome specific properties:

Visual properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies theme rendering mode for an element. Allows you to make an element look like a standard user interface element.
Specifies the two-dimensional linear transformation applied to an element. The origin of the transformation is specified by the -moz-transform-origin property.
Specifies the origin of the two-dimensional linear transformations specified with the -moz-transform property.
Background properties:
Property Support Description
Sets which part of background is visible.
Sets the compositing style for an element's background image and color.
Specifies how the background-position property is determined, ergo it defines the reference point that the background-image is relative to.
Sets the size of the background image.
Border properties:
Property Support Description
Sets the rounding of the lower left corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the lower right corner of the border.
Specifies the amount of horizontal space between cells in a table.
Specifies an image to use as the border of the element. The image is sliced into 9 pieces along the four diagonals specified with the length units.
Sets the rounding of the corners of the border.
Sets the rounding of the upper left corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the upper right corner of the border.
Specifies the amount of vertical space between cells in a table.
Box properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children.
Specifies the direction in which the children of a box are placed.
Specifies how an element grows to fill the box that contains it, relative to its siblings.
Specifies the flexibility of an element group.
Specifies whether a flexible box should contain multiple lines of content, or not.
Sets the display order in which objects appear within a box.
Specifies whether the children of a box element should be laid out horizontally or vertically.
Specifies where child elements of the box are placed when the box is larger than the size of the children.
Specifies a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the box of the element.
Specifies how the width and the height of the element are calculated. It affects the height and width properties.
Column properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies whether a column break should occur after an element.
Specifies whether a column break should occur before an element.
Specifies whether a column break should occur inside an element.
Specifies the number of columns that the given content of the element should be flowed into.
Specifies the amount of space between columns.
Specifies the style, color and width of the column rule.
Specifies the color of the column rule.
Specifies the style of the column rule, which is placed in the middle of the column gap.
Specifies the width of the column rule, which is placed in the middle of the column gap.
Specifies the suggected width of columns. The width of a column may be different from this value depends on its contents.
Margin properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies whether the top and bottom margins can be shared between adjacent elements.
Specifies whether the top and bottom margins can be shared between adjacent elements.
Specifies the width of the left or the right margin, depends on the writing direction.
Specifies whether the top and bottom margins can be shared between adjacent elements.
Marquee properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies up to five separate marquee properties, in a shorthand form.
Specifies the scrolling direction of the marquee.
Specifies the distance between each step of the scrolling marquee in pixels.
Specifies the number of times the marquee should repeat.
Specifies the speed of the scrolling mechanism in a marquee element.
Specifies the style of scrolling in a marquee element.
Padding properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depends on the writing direction.
Text properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies the line breaking rules for Chinese, Japanese and Korean text.
Specifies the behavior of non-breaking spaces within an element.
Specifies the default rendering mode of right-to-left and mixed left-to-right content.
Specifies the fill color of the text.
Specifies the type of shape used to hide the letters in a password input field.
Sets the color and width of the text outline.
Sets the color of text's outline.
Sets the width of text's outline.
User Interaction properties:
Property Support Description
Specifies whether the element is draggable.
Specifies which part of the content of an element can be modified by the user.
Specifies whether the text of the element can be selected.
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