-moz-padding-end property
Specifies the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depending on the writing direction.
If the writing direction is set to left-to-right, use the padding-right property, else use the padding-left property for cross-browser compatibility.
Note: Safari and Google Chrome do not support a property named '-webkit-padding-end', but support the -webkit-padding-start property.
JavaScript page for this property: MozPaddingEnd. You can find other example(s) there. |
Possible values:

Takes the value of this property from the computed style of the parent element. | |||||||
The space in length units. For the supported length units, see the length page. | |||||||
The space is the specified percentage of the width of the parent element. |
Default: 0.
Example HTML code 1:
This example illustrates the use of the -moz-padding-end property:
<head> <style> .ltr { direction: ltr; border: 2px solid red; -moz-padding-end : 20px; } .rtl { direction: rtl; border: 2px solid red; -moz-padding-end : 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <a class="ltr">padding-end: 20px (ltr)</a> <br /><br /> <a class="rtl">padding-end: 20px (rtl)</a> </body> |
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