HTML DOM elements in JavaScript
Top-level elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
body | Specifies the main body of an HTML document. | ||||||
frameset | Specifies the layout for a set of independent window regions. | ||||||
head | Provides information about the HTML document. | ||||||
html | Identifies an HTML or XHTML document. |
Head elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
base | Specifies an explicit URL to use for all relative URLs within the document. | ||||||
link | Specifies a link to an external resource. | ||||||
meta | Specifies general information about the document. | ||||||
script | Specifies a script block within a HTML document. | ||||||
style | Specifies style sheet rules for a document. | ||||||
title | Defines the title of the page. |
Layout elements:
Container elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
center | Specifies that the enclosed objects should be centered. | ||||||
div | Defines a block of HTML content. | ||||||
fieldset | Allows to group thematically related controls and labels. | ||||||
legend | Defines a caption for a fieldset. |
List elements:
Definition list elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
dd | Indicates a definition within a definition list. | ||||||
dl | Indicates a definition list. | ||||||
dt | Indicates a definition term. |
Other list elements:
Table elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
caption | Specifies a caption for a table. | ||||||
col | Specifies property defaults for a column in a table. | ||||||
colgroup | Specifies property defaults for a group of columns in a table. | ||||||
table | Specifies an element that arranges its contents into rows and columns. | ||||||
tbody | Designates a series of rows within the body of a table. | ||||||
td | Specifies a data cell in a table. | ||||||
tfoot | Designates a series of rows within the footer of a table. | ||||||
th | Specifies a header cell in a table. | ||||||
thead | Designates a series of rows within the header of the table. | ||||||
tr | Specifies a row in a table. |
Frame elements:
Text elements:
String of text as a node:
Object | Support | Description | |||||
TextNode | Represents a text as a node. |
Phrase elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
abbr | Indicates a sequence of characters that define an abbreviation for a word. | ||||||
acronym | Indicates an acronym abbreviation. | ||||||
address | Specifies contact information, such as an address or signature. | ||||||
cite | Indicates a citation, usually text rendered in italics by the browser. | ||||||
code | Specifies a fragment of computer code. | ||||||
dfn | Indicates the defining instance of the enclosed term. | ||||||
em | Indicates an emphasized text, usually text rendered in italics by the browser. | ||||||
kbd | Indicates text to be entered by the user, usually text rendered in a monospaced font. | ||||||
samp | Indicates sample text. | ||||||
strong | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in bold type. | ||||||
var | Indicates a variable, usually text rendered in italics by the browser. |
Preformatted font elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
b | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in bold. | ||||||
basefont | Specifies a default font value for the document. | ||||||
big | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in a larger font. | ||||||
blockquote | Specifies a long quotation. | ||||||
del | Indicates a deletion, usually text rendered as strike-through text by the browser. | ||||||
h1 | Specifies document heading. | ||||||
h2 | Specifies document heading. | ||||||
h3 | Specifies document heading. | ||||||
h4 | Specifies document heading. | ||||||
h5 | Specifies document heading. | ||||||
h6 | Specifies document heading. | ||||||
i | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in italics. | ||||||
rt | Marks the ruby text for a ruby element. | ||||||
ruby | Designates an annotation or a pronunciation guide for words and phrases. | ||||||
s | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in strike-through type. | ||||||
small | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in a smaller font. | ||||||
span | Specifies an inline text group. | ||||||
strike | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in strike-through type. | ||||||
sub | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed as subscripted text. | ||||||
sup | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed as superscript text. | ||||||
tt | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed in a fixed-width font. | ||||||
u | Specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed as underlined text. | ||||||
xmp | Specifies that the enclosed text is an example. |
Special text content elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
a | Defines a link to the same or to another document, or defines a destination anchor. | ||||||
bdo | Specifies a bidirectional text. | ||||||
blink | Specifies that the enclosed text should flash slowly. | ||||||
font | Specifies a new font, size, and color to be used for the enclosed text. | ||||||
ins | Specifies an editorial insertion of content. | ||||||
marquee | Specifies a scrolling text marquee. | ||||||
p | Specifies a paragraph. | ||||||
plaintext | Specifies that the rest of the contents in the document should be displayed as plain text. | ||||||
pre | Indicates that the enclosed text is preformatted. | ||||||
q | Specifies a short quotation. |
Line breaking rule elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
br | Inserts a line break. | ||||||
hr | Draws a horizontal rule. | ||||||
nobr | Renders the enclosed text without line breaks. | ||||||
wbr | Indicates where a line break is allowed to be inserted if needed within a nobr element. |
Form and control elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
button | Specifies a form button. | ||||||
form | Creates a container element for controls. | ||||||
input:button | Creates a push button control. | ||||||
input:checkbox | Creates a check box control. | ||||||
input:file | Creates a file selector object with a single-line text input control and a browse button. | ||||||
input:hidden | Creates a hidden text control. | ||||||
input:image | Creates an image control. | ||||||
input:password | Creates a single-line text input control, with the text rendered in such a way as to hide the real characters. | ||||||
input:radio | Creates a radio button control. | ||||||
input:range | Creates a slider control. | ||||||
input:reset | Creates a reset button. Clicking on a reset button resets all controls within the form to their initial values. | ||||||
input:search | Creates a search field. It contains a single-line text input control with a search history dropdown list. | ||||||
input:submit | Creates a submit button. Clicking on a submit button sends the named contents of the form to the server. | ||||||
input:text | Creates a single-line text input control. | ||||||
isindex | Indicates a single line text input. | ||||||
keygen | Allows a form to be submitted with key encryption. The element generates a secure key and submits the public key with the form. | ||||||
label | Specifies a description to a HTML element. | ||||||
optgroup | Defines a group of option elements in a select form field. | ||||||
option | Specifies an item in a selection list. | ||||||
select | Creates a drop-down list or list box element. | ||||||
textarea | Creates a multiline text input control. |
Embedded and external document resource elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
link | Specifies a link to an external resource. | ||||||
noscript | Indicates alternative content to be displayed for browsers that do not support scripting. | ||||||
script | Specifies a script block within a HTML document. | ||||||
style | Specifies style sheet rules for a document. | ||||||
xml | Defines XML data content in a HTML page. |
Image and image map elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
area | Defines a hyperlink region within an image map. | ||||||
img | Embeds an image or video clip into the current document. | ||||||
map | Contains coordinate data for client-side image maps. |
Applet, media file and plug-in elements:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
applet | Allows embedding a Java applet. | ||||||
bgsound | Associates a background sound with a page. | ||||||
embed | Specifies an object to be embedded. | ||||||
object | Specifies an object to be included in an HTML document. | ||||||
param | Specifies a parameter to be passed to an applet, embed, or object element. |
Comment Element:
Tag Name | Support | Description | |||||
comment | Indicates a non-displayed comment. | ||||||
CommentNode | Allows inserting remarks into the source code. |
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