allowTransparency |
Sets or retrieves whether a frame element (frame or iframe) can be transparent.
attributes |
Represents a collection of attribute nodes that belong to an element.
baseURI |
Returns the base URL for the object.
behaviorUrns |
Represents a collection of the Uniform Resource Names for all behaviors attached to an element.
borderColor |
Sets or retrieves the color of the border.
canHaveChildren |
Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the element can contain child elements.
canHaveHTML |
Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the element can contain HTML formatted text.
className |
Sets or retrieves the style class or classes that belong to the element.
clientHeight |
Returns the height of the visible area for an object, in pixels. The value contains the height with the padding, but it does not include the scrollBar, border, and the margin.
clientLeft |
Returns the width of the left border in pixels.
clientTop |
Returns the height of the top border in pixels.
clientWidth |
Returns the width of the visible area for an object, in pixels. The value contains the width with the padding, but does not include the scrollBar, border, and the margin.
contentDocument |
Retrieves the document generated by a frame or iframe element.
contentEditable |
Sets or retrieves whether the contents of the object are editable.
contentWindow |
Retrieves the window generated by a frame or iframe element.
currentStyle |
Represents the computed style settings for an element.
dataFld |
Specifies or returns which field of a given data source should be bound to the specified object.
dataFormatAs |
Specifies or returns how data is to be rendered.
dataSrc |
Sets or retrieves the identifier of the data source that is bound to the element.
filters |
Represents a collection of all filter objects applied to an element.
frameBorder |
Sets or retrieves whether the frame is surrounded by a 3-D border.
height |
Specifies or returns the height of an element.
id |
Sets or retrieves a unique identifier for the object.
isContentEditable |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the contents of the object are editable by the user.
isDisabled |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the object is disabled.
isMultiLine |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the contents of an element can be multiline or not.
isTextEdit |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the createTextRange method can be used for the element.
language |
Sets or retrieves the scripting language for the current element. Use it only for the script element.
localName |
Returns the local part of the qualified name of the current node.
longDesc |
Specifies or retrieves the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the long description of a frame, iframe or img element.
marginHeight |
Sets or retrieves the top and bottom margins for a frame element.
marginWidth |
Sets or retrieves the left and right margins for a frame element.
name |
Sets or retrieves the initial name of the contained window.
namespaceURI |
Sets or returns the namespace URI of the current node.
nextElementSibling |
Returns a reference to the next child element of the current element's parent.
nextSibling |
Returns a reference to the next child of the current element's parent.
nodeName |
Returns the name of the current node.
nodeType |
Returns an integer that indicates the type of the node.
nodeValue |
Sets or returns the value of the current node.
noResize |
Specifies or returns whether a frame window is resizable.
offsetHeight |
Returns the height of the visible area for an object, in pixels. The value contains the height with the padding, scrollBar, and the border, but does not include the margin.
offsetLeft |
Returns the left position of an object relative to the left side of its offsetParent element, in pixels.
offsetParent |
Returns a reference to the closest ancestor element in the DOM hierarchy from which the position of the current element is calculated.
offsetTop |
Returns the top position of the object relative to the top side of its offsetParent element, in pixels.
offsetWidth |
Returns the width of the visible area for an object, in pixels. The value contains the width with the padding, scrollBar, and the border, but does not include the margin.
outerHTML |
Sets or retrieves the outer HTML content (the source code including the opening and closing tags) of an element.
outerText |
Sets or returns the text content of an element including the text content of its descendants.
ownerDocument |
Returns the document object that contains the current node.
parentElement |
Returns the parent element of the object in the DOM hierarchy.
parentNode |
Returns the parent element of the current node in the DOM hierarchy.
parentTextEdit |
Returns the closest ancestor element of the current element in the DOM hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange object.
previousElementSibling |
Returns a reference to the previous child element of the current element's parent.
previousSibling |
Returns a reference to the previous node of the current element's parent.
readyState |
Returns a string value that represents the state of the object.
recordNumber |
Returns an integer value that indicates the ordinal position of the item within the data set that generated the current object.
runtimeStyle |
Represents the overridden style settings for an element.
scopeName |
Retrieves the local name of the namespace declared for the current element.
scrolling |
Sets or retrieves whether a frame has scrollbars.
sourceIndex |
Returns the position of the current object in the all collection of the document.
src |
Sets or retrieves the location of an associated file for an object.
style |
Represents the inline style settings for an element or a CSS rule.
tabIndex |
Specifies or returns the tabbing order for keyboard navigation using the TAB key.
tagName |
Returns the tag name of the current element.
tagUrn |
Sets or retrieves the Uniform Resource Name (URN) of the namespace declared for the current element.
title |
Specifies or returns a tooltip for an element.
uniqueID |
Returns the unique identifier generated by the browser for the object.
unselectable |
Sets or retrieves whether the selection process can start in an element's content.
width |
Specifies or returns the default width of the element.