background |
Specifies or returns up to five separate background properties, in a shorthand form. |
backgroundAttachment |
Specifies or returns whether the backgroundImage should scroll with the contents of the object or not. |
backgroundColor |
Specifies or returns the color to use for the background of the object. |
backgroundImage |
Specifies or returns the image to use as the background of the object. |
backgroundPosition |
Sets or retrieves the position of the backgroundImage within the element. |
backgroundPositionX |
Specifies or returns the horizontal coordinate of the backgroundImage relative to the upper-left corner of the container object. |
backgroundPositionY |
Specifies or returns the vertical-coordinate of the backgroundImage relative to the upper-left corner of the container object. |
backgroundRepeat |
Specifies or returns how to tile the backgroundImage relative to the upper-left corner of the container object. |
behavior |
Sets or retrieves the URL of a behavior file. |
border |
Sets or retrieves up to three separate border properties, in a shorthand form. |
borderBottom |
Sets or retrieves the color, style and width properties for the element's bottom border, in a shorthand form. |
borderBottomColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's bottom border. |
borderBottomStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's bottom border. |
borderBottomWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's bottom border. |
borderColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's border. |
borderLeft |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the element's left border, in a shorthand form. |
borderLeftColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's left border. |
borderLeftStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's left border. |
borderLeftWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's left border. |
borderRight |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the element's right border, in a shorthand form. |
borderRightColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's right border. |
borderRightStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's right border. |
borderRightWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's right border. |
borderStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's border. |
borderTop |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the element's top border, in a shorthand form. |
borderTopColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's top border. |
borderTopStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's top border. |
borderTopWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's top border. |
borderWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's border. |
bottom |
Specifies or returns the bottom coordinate of a positioned element. |
clip |
Specifies or returns which part of a positioned element is visible. |
clipBottom |
Returns the bottom coordinate of the clipping region relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
clipLeft |
Returns the left coordinate of the clipping region relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
clipRight |
Returns the right coordinate of the clipping region relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
clipTop |
Returns the top coordinate of the clipping region relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
color |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's text content. |
cssFloat |
Specifies or returns the horizontal alignment of the object. |
cssText |
Sets or retrieves the contents of a style declaration as a string. |
cursor |
Specifies or returns the type of cursor to display for the pointing device (mouse). |
direction |
Specifies or returns the text direction. |
display |
Specifies or returns the element's display type. |
filter |
Specifies or returns the filter or collection of filters applied to the object. |
font |
Specifies or returns up to six separate font properties, in a shorthand form. |
fontFamily |
Specifies or returns the font face for text. |
fontSize |
Specifies or returns the font size of the text. |
fontSizeAdjust |
Specifies or returns font aspect value (font size divided by x-height). |
fontStyle |
Specifies or returns whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique. |
fontVariant |
Specifies or returns a variation of the specified or default fontFamily. |
fontWeight |
Specifies or returns the font weight of the text. |
hasLayout |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the object has layout or not. |
height |
Specifies or returns the height of the visible area for an element. |
layoutFlow |
Specifies or returns the flow and direction of the content in an element. |
layoutGrid |
Specifies or returns up to four separate layout-grid properties that specify the layout of text characters. |
layoutGridMode |
Specifies or returns whether the text layout grid uses one or two dimensions. |
left |
Specifies or returns the left coordinate of a positioned element. |
length |
Returns the number of properties that have been set in the current style object. |
letterSpacing |
Specifies or returns the amount of space between letters. |
lineHeight |
Specifies or returns the distance between lines of text in a block-level element. |
margin |
Specifies or returns a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left margins, in that order. |
marginBottom |
Specifies or returns the bottom margin of the object. |
marginLeft |
Specifies or returns the left margin of the object. |
marginRight |
Specifies or returns the right margin of the object. |
marginTop |
Specifies or returns the top margin of the object. |
maxHeight |
Specifies or returns the maximum height for the visible area of an element. |
maxWidth |
Specifies or returns the maximum width for the visible area of an element. |
minHeight |
Specifies or returns a minimum height for the visible area of an element. |
minWidth |
Specifies or returns the minimum width for the visible area of an element. |
MozBackgroundClip |
Sets or retrieves which part of background is visible. |
MozBackgroundInlinePolicy |
Specifies or retrieves how the backgroundImage of an inline element is determined when the contents of the inline element wrap onto multiple lines. |
MozBackgroundOrigin |
Specifies or retrieves how the backgroundPosition property is determined, i.e. it defines the reference point that the backgroundImage is relative to. |
MozBinding |
Sets or retrieves the URL of the XBL (Extensible Binding Language) file containing the binding. |
MozBorderBottomColors |
Sets or retrieves the border colors for the bottom edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line. |
MozBorderEnd |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the end of the element's border, in a shorthand form. Use the borderLeft property instead. |
MozBorderEndColor |
Sets or retrieves the color of the element's border end. Use the borderLeftColor property instead. |
MozBorderEndStyle |
Sets or retrieves the style of the element's border end. Use the borderLeftStyle property instead. |
MozBorderEndWidth |
Sets or retrieves the width of the element's border end. Use the borderLeftWidth property instead. |
MozBorderImage |
Specifies or retrieves an image to use as the border of the element. The image is sliced into 9 pieces along the four diagonals specified with the length units. |
MozBorderLeftColors |
Sets or retrieves the border colors for the left edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line. |
MozBorderRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the corners of the border. |
MozBorderRadiusBottomleft |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the lower left corner of the border. |
MozBorderRadiusBottomright |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the lower right corner of the border. |
MozBorderRadiusTopleft |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the upper left corner of the border. |
MozBorderRadiusTopright |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the upper right corner of the border. |
MozBorderRightColors |
Sets or retrieves the border colors for the right edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line. |
MozBorderStart |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the start of the element's border. Use the borderRight property instead. |
MozBorderStartColor |
Specifies or retrieves the color of the element's border start. Use the borderRightColor property instead. |
MozBorderStartStyle |
Specifies or retrieves the style of the element's border start. Use the borderRightStyle property instead. |
MozBorderStartWidth |
Specifies or retrieves the width of the element's border start. Use the borderRightWidth property instead. |
MozBorderTopColors |
Sets or retrieves the border colors for the top edge. You can specify as many color values as you want. All specified colors will appear as a 1px thick line. |
MozFloatEdge |
Specifies or retrieves whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness. |
MozMarginEnd |
Specifies or retrieves the width of the left or the right margin, depends on the writing direction. |
MozMarginStart |
Specifies or retrieves the width of the left or the right margin, depends on the writing direction. |
MozOpacity |
Sets or retrieves the opacity level. For a cross-browser solution, use the opacity property in Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera, and the filter property ('filter:Alpha(opacity=50)') in Internet Explorer. |
MozOutline |
Sets or retrieves the outline of the element. |
MozOutlineColor |
Sets or retrieves the color of the outline. |
MozOutlineOffset |
Sets or retrieves the amount of space between the outline and the border or the edge of the element. |
MozOutlineRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the outline corners. |
MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the lower left outline corner. |
MozOutlineRadiusBottomright |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the lower right outline corner. |
MozOutlineRadiusTopleft |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the upper left outline corner. |
MozOutlineRadiusTopright |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the upper right outline corner. |
MozOutlineStyle |
Sets or retrieves the style of the left, right, top, and bottom borders of the object. |
MozOutlineWidth |
Sets or retrieves the width of the outline. |
MozPaddingEnd |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depending on the writing direction. |
MozPaddingStart |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depending on the writing direction. |
MozTransform |
Specifies or returns the two-dimensional linear transformation applied to an element. The origin of the transformation is specified by the MozTransformOrigin property. |
MozTransformOrigin |
Specifies or returns the origin of two-dimensional linear transformations specified with the MozTransform property. |
OBackgroundSize |
Sets or retrieves the size of the background image. |
opacity |
Sets or retrieves the transparency level of an element. For Internet Explorer, use filter with 'Alpha(opacity=percent)'. |
opPhonemes |
Specifies or retrieves a phonetic pronunciation for the text contained by the corresponding element. |
opVoicePitch |
Specifies or retrieves the average frequency of the speaking voice. |
opVoicePitchRange |
Specifies or retrieves the variation from the average pitch of the voice. |
opVoiceRate |
Specifies or returns the number of spoken words per minute. |
opVoiceStress |
Specifies or retrieves the strength of emphasis to be applied. |
opVoiceVolume |
Sets or retrieves the volume of a spoken element. |
OTextOverflow |
Specifies or returns how to handle the overflowed area of text. |
outline |
Specifies or returns a shorthand form for all outline properties at once. Outline is a line around an element, but different from the border property. |
outlineColor |
Specifies or returns the color for the outline for an element. |
outlineOffset |
Sets or retrieves the amount of space between the outline and the border or the edge of the element. |
outlineStyle |
Specifies or returns the style for an element's outline. |
outlineWidth |
Specifies or returns the width for an element's outline. |
padding |
Specifies or returns a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left spaces between an element's border and its contents, in that order. |
paddingBottom |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's bottom border and its contents. |
paddingLeft |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's left border and its contents. |
paddingRight |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's right border and its contents. |
paddingTop |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's top border and its contents. |
pixelBottom |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the bottom style property, in pixels. |
pixelHeight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the height style property, in pixels. |
pixelLeft |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the left style property, in pixels. |
pixelRight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the right style property, in pixels. |
pixelTop |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the top style property, in pixels. |
pixelWidth |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the width style property, in pixels. |
posBottom |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the bottom style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the bottom property. |
posHeight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the height style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the height property. |
position |
Specifies or returns what type of positioning method is used to render the current element. |
posLeft |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the left style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the left property. |
posRight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the right style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the right property. |
posTop |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the top style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the top property. |
posWidth |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the width style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the width property. |
right |
Specifies or returns the right coordinate of a positioned element. |
styleFloat |
Specifies or returns the horizontal alignment of the object. |
textAutospace |
Specifies or returns the spacing rules between Western and Asian-based (such as Japanese and Chinese) characters. |
textDecoration |
Specifies or returns the appearance characteristics of text, whether it is underlined, overlined, lined-through or blinking text. |
textDecorationBlink |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the text blink feature is enabled for the element. |
textDecorationLineThrough |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the text is displayed with a line in the middle. |
textDecorationNone |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether any text decoration is allowed for the element. |
textDecorationOverline |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the element is displayed with a line at the top, or not. |
textDecorationUnderline |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the element is displayed with a line at the bottom, or not. |
textIndent |
Specifies or returns the horizontal indent for the first line of text. |
textOverflow |
Specifies or returns how to handle the overflowed area of text. |
textShadow |
Specifies or returns a comma-separated list of shadow effects to be applied to the text of the element. |
textTransform |
Specifies or returns the case of the text. |
textUnderlinePosition |
Specifies or returns the position of the underline decoration. |
top |
Specifies or returns the top coordinate of a positioned element. |
unicodeBidi |
Specifies or returns whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document. Use with the direction property. |
visibility |
Specifies or returns whether the element is visible. |
voiceFamily |
Specifies or returns the type of voice to use as speak control. |
webkitAppearance |
Specifies or retrieves theme rendering mode for an element. Allows you to make an element look like a standard user interface element. |
webkitBackgroundClip |
Sets or retrieves which part of background is visible. |
webkitBackgroundComposite |
Sets or retrieves the compositing style for an element's background image and color. |
webkitBackgroundOrigin |
Specifies or retrieves how the backgroundPosition property is determined, ergo it defines the reference point that the backgroundImage is relative to. |
webkitBackgroundSize |
Sets or retrieves the size of the background image. |
webkitBorderBottomLeftRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the lower left corner of the border. |
webkitBorderBottomRightRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the lower right corner of the border. |
webkitBorderHorizontalSpacing |
Specifies or returns the amount of horizontal space between cells in a table. |
webkitBorderImage |
Specifies or retrieves an image to use as the border of the element. The image is sliced into 9 pieces along the four diagonals specified with the length units. |
webkitBorderRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the corners of the border. |
webkitBorderTopLeftRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the upper left corner of the border. |
webkitBorderTopRightRadius |
Sets or retrieves the rounding of the upper right corner of the border. |
webkitBorderVerticalSpacing |
Specifies or returns the amount of vertical space between cells in a table. |
webkitMarginBottomCollapse |
Specifies or retrieves whether the top and bottom margins can be shared between adjacent elements. |
webkitMarginCollapse |
Specifies or retrieves whether the top and bottom margins can be shared between adjacent elements. |
webkitMarginStart |
Specifies or retrieves the width of the left or the right margin, depends on the writing direction. |
webkitMarginTopCollapse |
Specifies or retrieves whether the top and bottom margins can be shared between adjacent elements. |
webkitNbspMode |
Specifies or retrieves the behavior of non-breaking spaces within an element. |
webkitPaddingStart |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's left or right border and its contents, depends on the writing direction. |
webkitRtlOrdering |
Specifies or retrieves the default rendering mode of right-to-left and mixed left-to-right content. |
webkitTextFillColor |
Specifies or retrieves the fill color of the text. |
webkitTextSecurity |
Specifies or retrieves the type of shape used to hide the letters in a password input field. |
webkitTextStroke |
Sets or retrieves the color and width of the text outline. |
webkitTextStrokeColor |
Sets or retrieves the color of text's outline. |
webkitTextStrokeWidth |
Sets or retrieves the width of text's outline. |
webkitTransform |
Specifies or returns the two-dimensional linear transformation applied to an element. The origin of the transformation is specified by the MozTransformOrigin property. |
webkitTransformOrigin |
Specifies or returns the origin of the two-dimensional linear transformations specified with the MozTransform property. |
whiteSpace |
Specifies or returns how spaces, tabs, and newline characters inside the element are handled. |
width |
Specifies or returns the width of the visible area for an element. |
wordSpacing |
Specifies or returns the spacing between words. |
wordWrap |
Specifies or returns whether the current line should break if the content exceeds the boundaries of its container. |
writingMode |
Specifies or returns the intrinsic writing direction of the element's content. |
XvInterpretAs |
Specifies or retrieves how to interpret the contents of the corresponding element. |
XvPhonemes |
Specifies or retrieves a phonetic pronunciation for the text contained by the corresponding element. |
XvVoiceBalance |
Sets or retrieves the balance between left and right channels. |
XvVoiceDuration |
Specifies or retrieves how long a given element is to be rendered. |
XvVoicePitch |
Specifies or retrieves the average frequency of the speaking voice. |
XvVoicePitchRange |
Specifies or retrieves the variation from the average pitch of the voice. |
XvVoiceRate |
Specifies or returns the number of spoken words per minute. |
XvVoiceStress |
Specifies or retrieves the strength of emphasis to be applied. |
XvVoiceVolume |
Sets or retrieves the volume of a spoken element. |
zIndex |
Specifies or returns the stack level of positioned objects. |
zoom |
Specifies or returns the zoom level of the element's content. |