addBehavior |
Attaches the specified behavior to the current element.
addEventListener |
Registers an event handler function (event listener) for the specified event on the current object.
appendChild |
Inserts an element after the last child of the current element.
applyElement |
Inserts the specified element as a child or parent of the current element.
attachEvent |
Registers an event handler function (event listener) for the specified event on the current object.
blur |
Removes the focus from the current element, and fires the onblur event.
clearAttributes |
Clears all attributes from the current element, except the id, name, style, value and event attributes.
click |
Simulates a mouse click on the current element.
cloneNode |
Returns an exact copy of the current node.
compareDocumentPosition |
Compares the placement of the specified node with the current node in the DOM hierarchy.
componentFromPoint |
Returns the region of the current element that is located at the specified coordinates.
contains |
Returns whether the specified element is a descendant of the current element.
detachEvent |
Removes the specified event handler from the current element that was registered earlier with the attachEvent method.
dispatchEvent |
Dispatches the specified event to the current element.
dragDrop |
Initiates a drag-and-drop operation.
fireEvent |
Initializes an event object and dispatches it to the current element.
focus |
Sets the focus on the current element.
getAdjacentText |
Returns the contents of the TextNode located at the specified position relative to the current element.
getAttribute |
Returns the value of the attribute with the specified name from the current element.
getAttributeNode |
Returns the attribute node with the specified name from the current element.
getAttributeNodeNS |
Returns the attribute node with the specified namespace and name from the current element.
getAttributeNS |
Returns the value of the attribute with the specified namespace and name from the current element.
getBoundingClientRect |
Returns a TextRectangle object that specifies the bounding rectangle of the current element or TextRange object, in pixels, relative to the upper-left corner of the browser's client area.
getClientRects |
Retrieves a TextRectangles collection that specifies the exact shape of the current element or TextRange object.
getElementsByClassName |
Returns a NodeList collection that contains all descendant elements of the current element with the specified class name.
getElementsByTagName |
Returns a NodeList collection that contains all descendant elements of the current element with the specified tag name.
getElementsByTagNameNS |
Returns a NodeList collection that contains all descendant elements of the current element with the specified namespace URI and local name.
getExpression |
Returns the dynamic expression for the specified DHTML property on the current element.
hasAttribute |
Returns whether the current element has an attribute with the specified name or not.
hasAttributeNS |
Returns whether the current element has an attribute with the specified namespace and name or not.
hasAttributes |
Returns whether the current element has any attributes specified or not.
hasChildNodes |
Returns whether the current node has any child nodes or not.
insertAdjacentElement |
Inserts an element at the specified position relative to the current element.
insertAdjacentHTML |
Inserts a HTML formatted text at the specified position relative to the current element.
insertAdjacentText |
Creates a new TextNode from the specified text and inserts it at the specified position relative to the current element.
insertBefore |
Inserts an element before the specified child of the current element.
isDefaultNamespace |
Returns whether the specified namespace URI is the default namespace in the scope of the current node.
isEqualNode |
Returns whether the current node is equal to the specified one.
isSameNode |
Returns whether the current node is the same node as the specified one.
isSupported |
Returns whether the specified DOM module and version is supported by the current node.
mergeAttributes |
Copies all attributes and its values from the specified element to the current element.
normalize |
Puts the subtree that belongs to the current node into a 'normalized' form.
querySelector |
Returns a reference to the first descendant element of the current element, that matches the specified selectors.
querySelectorAll |
Returns a NodeList collection that contains all descendant elements of the current element that match the specified selectors.
releaseCapture |
Releases the mouse capture from the browser window that was previously set by the setCapture method and restores the normal event processing.
removeAttribute |
Removes the attribute with the specified name from the current element.
removeAttributeNode |
Removes the specified attribute node from the current element.
removeAttributeNS |
Removes the attribute with the specified namespace and name from the current element.
removeBehavior |
Removes the specified behavior from the current element.
removeChild |
Removes the specified child node from the current element.
removeEventListener |
Removes the specified event handler from the current element that was registered earlier with the addEventListener method.
removeExpression |
Removes the dynamic expression from the specified DHTML property on the current element.
removeNode |
Removes the current element with or without its children from the document tree.
replaceAdjacentText |
Replace the contents of the TextNode located at the specified position relative to the current element with the specified text.
replaceChild |
Replaces the specified child element of the current element with a new element.
replaceNode |
Replaces the current element with the specified element.
scrollIntoView |
Scrolls the specified element into the visible area of the document.
setActive |
Sets the element as the active element in the current document.
setAttribute |
Adds an attribute with the specified name and value to the current element.
setAttributeNode |
Adds the specified attribute node to the current element.
setAttributeNodeNS |
Adds the specified attribute node to the current element.
setAttributeNS |
Adds an attribute with the specified namespace, name and value to the current element.
setCapture |
Sets the current object to capture mouse events that occur within the entire browser window.
setExpression |
Sets a dynamic expression for the specified DHTML property on the current element.
swapNode |
Interchanges the positions of the current element and the specified element in the document hierarchy.