accelerator |
Specifies or returns whether the object contains an accelerator key.
background |
Specifies or returns up to five separate background properties, in a shorthand form.
backgroundAttachment |
Specifies or returns whether the backgroundImage should scroll with the contents of the object or not.
backgroundColor |
Specifies or returns the color to use for the background of the object.
backgroundImage |
Specifies or returns the image to use as the background of the object.
backgroundPosition |
Sets or retrieves the position of the backgroundImage within the element.
backgroundPositionX |
Specifies or returns the horizontal coordinate of the backgroundImage relative to the upper-left corner of the container object.
backgroundPositionY |
Specifies or returns the vertical-coordinate of the backgroundImage relative to the upper-left corner of the container object.
backgroundRepeat |
Specifies or returns how to tile the backgroundImage relative to the upper-left corner of the container object.
behavior |
Sets or retrieves the URL of a behavior file.
border |
Sets or retrieves up to three separate border properties, in a shorthand form.
borderBottom |
Sets or retrieves the color, style and width properties for the element's bottom border, in a shorthand form.
borderBottomColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's bottom border.
borderBottomStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's bottom border.
borderBottomWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's bottom border.
borderCollapse |
Specifies or returns whether the borders of a table are joined in a single border or not.
borderColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's border.
borderLeft |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the element's left border, in a shorthand form.
borderLeftColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's left border.
borderLeftStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's left border.
borderLeftWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's left border.
borderRight |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the element's right border, in a shorthand form.
borderRightColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's right border.
borderRightStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's right border.
borderRightWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's right border.
borderSpacing |
Specifies or returns the space between cells in a table.
borderStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's border.
borderTop |
Specifies or returns the color, style and width properties for the element's top border, in a shorthand form.
borderTopColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's top border.
borderTopStyle |
Specifies or returns the style of the element's top border.
borderTopWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's top border.
borderWidth |
Specifies or returns the width of the element's border.
bottom |
Specifies or returns the bottom coordinate of a positioned element.
boxSizing |
Specifies or retrieves how the width and the height of the element are calculated. It affects the height and width properties.
captionSide |
Specifies or returns the position of the caption box within a table element.
clear |
Specifies or returns the position of the element relative to floating objects.
clip |
Specifies or returns which part of a positioned element is visible.
color |
Specifies or returns the color of the element's text content.
content |
Specifies or returns the generated content after or before the element.
counterIncrement |
Specifies or retrieves the list of counters and increment values.
counterReset |
Sets or retrieves the list of counters and their initial values.
cssFloat |
Specifies or returns the horizontal alignment of the object.
cssText |
Sets or retrieves the contents of a style declaration as a string.
cursor |
Specifies or returns the type of cursor to display for the pointing device (mouse).
direction |
Specifies or returns the text direction.
display |
Specifies or returns the element's display type.
emptyCells |
Specifies or returns whether the border and background of empty table cells should be shown or not.
filter |
Specifies or returns the filter or collection of filters applied to the object.
font |
Specifies or returns up to six separate font properties, in a shorthand form.
fontFamily |
Specifies or returns the font face for text.
fontSize |
Specifies or returns the font size of the text.
fontStyle |
Specifies or returns whether the style of the font is normal, italic or oblique.
fontVariant |
Specifies or returns a variation of the specified or default fontFamily.
fontWeight |
Specifies or returns the font weight of the text.
height |
Specifies or returns the height of the visible area for an element.
imeMode |
Specifies or returns the state of an Input Method Editor (IME) for user text entry fields. IME allows users to enter and edit Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters.
layoutFlow |
Specifies or returns the flow and direction of the content in an element.
layoutGrid |
Specifies or returns up to four separate layout-grid properties that specify the layout of text characters.
layoutGridChar |
Specifies or returns the size of the character grid for the layout of an element's text content.
layoutGridLine |
Specifies or returns the gridline value used for laying out Japanese or Chinese characters in a web document.
layoutGridMode |
Specifies or returns whether the text layout grid uses one or two dimensions.
layoutGridType |
Specifies or returns the type of grid to be used for laying out Japanese or Chinese characters in a web document.
left |
Specifies or returns the left coordinate of a positioned element.
letterSpacing |
Specifies or returns the amount of space between letters.
lineBreak |
Specifies or returns the line-breaking rules for Chinese, Japanese or Korean text.
lineHeight |
Specifies or returns the distance between lines of text in a block-level element.
listStyle |
Specifies or returns up to three separate listStyle properties for an object.
listStyleImage |
Specifies or returns a graphic image for a list label.
listStylePosition |
Specifies or returns whether the list marker for a list item should appear inside or outside the list-item box.
listStyleType |
Specifies or returns the style of the list marker bullet or numbering system within a list.
margin |
Specifies or returns a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left margins, in that order.
marginBottom |
Specifies or returns the bottom margin of the object.
marginLeft |
Specifies or returns the left margin of the object.
marginRight |
Specifies or returns the right margin of the object.
marginTop |
Specifies or returns the top margin of the object.
maxHeight |
Specifies or returns the maximum height for the visible area of an element.
maxWidth |
Specifies or returns the maximum width for the visible area of an element.
minHeight |
Specifies or returns a minimum height for the visible area of an element.
minWidth |
Specifies or returns the minimum width for the visible area of an element.
msInterpolationMode |
Sets or retrieves the interpolation algorithm for scaling an image.
opacity |
Sets or retrieves the transparency level of an element. For Internet Explorer, use filter with 'Alpha(opacity=percent)'.
orphans |
Specifies or retrieves the minimum number of lines at the start of an element's rendered content that must be visible at the bottom of a page.
outline |
Specifies or returns a shorthand form for all outline properties at once. Outline is a line around an element, but different from the border property.
outlineColor |
Specifies or returns the color for the outline for an element.
outlineStyle |
Specifies or returns the style for an element's outline.
outlineWidth |
Specifies or returns the width for an element's outline.
overflow |
Specifies or returns what to do with content outside the element's rendering area.
overflowX |
Specifies or returns what to do with content that exceeds the element's width.
overflowY |
Specifies or returns what to do with content that exceeds the element's height.
padding |
Specifies or returns a shorthand property for setting the top, right, bottom and left spaces between an element's border and its contents, in that order.
paddingBottom |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's bottom border and its contents.
paddingLeft |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's left border and its contents.
paddingRight |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's right border and its contents.
paddingTop |
Specifies or returns the space between an element's top border and its contents.
pageBreakAfter |
Specifies or returns whether a page break occurs after the object when printing.
pageBreakBefore |
Specifies or returns whether a page break occurs before the object when printing.
pageBreakInside |
Specifies or returns the page-breaking behavior that should occur inside an element's rendering box when printing.
pixelBottom |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the bottom style property, in pixels.
pixelHeight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the height style property, in pixels.
pixelLeft |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the left style property, in pixels.
pixelRight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the right style property, in pixels.
pixelTop |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the top style property, in pixels.
pixelWidth |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the width style property, in pixels.
posBottom |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the bottom style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the bottom property.
posHeight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the height style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the height property.
position |
Specifies or returns what type of positioning method is used to render the current element.
posLeft |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the left style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the left property.
posRight |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the right style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the right property.
posTop |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the top style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the top property.
posWidth |
Specifies or retrieves the value of the width style property as a floating-point number that specifies the value in the current unit type of the width property.
quotes |
Specifies or returns the pairs of quotation marks for the 'open-quote' and 'close-quote' values of the content property.
right |
Specifies or returns the right coordinate of a positioned element.
rubyAlign |
Specifies or returns the horizontal alignment of the Ruby text defined by the rt tag, relative to the base text defined by the ruby tag.
rubyOverhang |
Specifies or returns the Ruby text position, relative to the base text defined by the ruby tag.
rubyPosition |
Specifies or returns the position of the Ruby text (rt).
scrollbar3dLightColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the outer top and left bevel edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of the scroll bar.
scrollbarArrowColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the arrow of the scroll bar.
scrollbarBaseColor |
Specifies or returns the main color of the scroll bar.
scrollbarDarkShadowColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the outer bottom and right bevel edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of the scroll bar.
scrollbarFaceColor |
Specifies or returns the color for the face of the scroll bar.
scrollbarHighlightColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the top and left edges of the scroll bar.
scrollbarShadowColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll bar.
scrollbarTrackColor |
Specifies or returns the color of the scroll bar's track element.
styleFloat |
Specifies or returns the horizontal alignment of the object.
tableLayout |
Specifies or returns the way to lay out table cells, rows, and columns.
textAlign |
Specifies or returns the horizontal alignment of the text within the element.
textAlignLast |
Specifies or returns the alignment type of the last or only line of text in the element's contents.
textAutospace |
Specifies or returns the spacing rules between Western and Asian-based (such as Japanese and Chinese) characters.
textDecoration |
Specifies or returns the appearance characteristics of text, whether it is underlined, overlined, lined-through or blinking text.
textDecorationBlink |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the text blink feature is enabled for the element.
textDecorationLineThrough |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the text is displayed with a line in the middle.
textDecorationNone |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether any text decoration is allowed for the element.
textDecorationOverline |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the element is displayed with a line at the top, or not.
textDecorationUnderline |
Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the element is displayed with a line at the bottom, or not.
textIndent |
Specifies or returns the horizontal indent for the first line of text.
textJustify |
Specifies or returns how justified text should be aligned and spaced.
textKashidaSpace |
Specifies or returns how to justify lines of text by elongating characters at algorithmically-selected points in Arabic writing systems.
textOverflow |
Specifies or returns how to handle the overflowed area of text.
textTransform |
Specifies or returns the case of the text.
textUnderlinePosition |
Specifies or returns the position of the underline decoration.
top |
Specifies or returns the top coordinate of a positioned element.
unicodeBidi |
Specifies or returns whether the text should be overridden to support multiple languages in the same document. Use with the direction property.
verticalAlign |
Specifies or returns how to align an element vertically.
visibility |
Specifies or returns whether the element is visible.
whiteSpace |
Specifies or returns how spaces, tabs, and newline characters inside the element are handled.
widows |
Specifies or retrieves the minimum number of lines at the end of an element's rendered content that must be visible at the top of a page.
width |
Specifies or returns the width of the visible area for an element.
wordBreak |
Specifies or returns the line breaking rule within words.
wordSpacing |
Specifies or returns the spacing between words.
wordWrap |
Specifies or returns whether the current line should break if the content exceeds the boundaries of its container.
writingMode |
Specifies or returns the intrinsic writing direction of the element's content.
zIndex |
Specifies or returns the stack level of positioned objects.
zoom |
Specifies or returns the zoom level of the element's content.