Event handling in JavaScript
If you need information about the event registration techniques, please see the page for the event object.
- Event objects
- Event properties
- Event methods
- Events in JavaScript
- Character input and clipboard events
- Load, unload and state events
- Form events
- Mouse events and scrolling
- Move and drag events
- Resize events
- Activation and focus events
- Selection events
- Print and help events
- Error events
- DataBound events
- Marquee events
- Change events
- Search event
- Cross-document communication event
- Additional events
Event objects
Object | Support | Description | ||||||||||
bookmarks | Represents a collection of ADO bookmarks associated with the rows affected by the current event. | |||||||||||
boundElements | Represents a collection of elements bound to the data set on which the current event occurred. | |||||||||||
dataTransfer |
Represents a drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
event | Represents an object that contains information about an event that has occurred. |
Event properties
Key related properties:
Mouse related properties:
Element related properties:
Attribute related properties:
Event information properties:
Drag and drop properties:
Data binding properties:
Cross-document message properties:
Additional properties:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
altKey (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left or right ALT key was down at the time when the event occurred. | |||||||||||
altLeft (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left ALT key was down at the time when the event occurred. | |||||||||||
charCode (event) |
Retrieves the Unicode character code of the key that generated the onkeypress event. | ||||||||||
ctrlKey (event) |
Sets or retrieves whether the left or right CTRL key was down at the time when the event occurred. | |||||||||||
ctrlLeft (event) |
Sets or retrieves whether the left CTRL key was down at the time when the event occurred. | |||||||||||
data (event) |
Returns the characters entered in case of the textInput event or the contents of the message for the onmessage event. | ||||||||||
isChar (event) |
Returns whether the character that belongs to the current event is a key character or not. | |||||||||||
keyCode (event) |
Sets or retrieves the Unicode character code of the key that generated the onkeypress event and the Unicode key code of the key that generated the onkeydown and onkeyup events. | |||||||||||
metaKey (event) |
Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the META key was down at the time when the event occurred. | ||||||||||
shiftKey (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left or right SHIFT key was down at the time when the event occurred. | |||||||||||
shiftLeft (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the left SHIFT key was down at the time when the event occurred. | |||||||||||
which (event) |
Returns the Unicode character or key code of the key or the identifier of the mouse button that was pressed when the current event fired. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
button (event) |
Sets or retrieves the mouse button(s) that were pressed at the time when the current event was fired. | |||||||||||
clientX (event) |
Sets or returns the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's client area. | |||||||||||
clientY (event) |
Sets or returns the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's client area. | |||||||||||
detail (event) |
Returns an integer value that specifies additional information about the event. | ||||||||||
layerX (event) |
Retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event. | ||||||||||
layerY (event) |
Retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event. | ||||||||||
offsetX (event) |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the offsetParent element of the element that fires the event. | |||||||||||
offsetY (event) |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the offsetParent element of the element that fires the event. | |||||||||||
pageX (event) |
Retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the document. | ||||||||||
pageY (event) |
Retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the document. | ||||||||||
screenX (event) |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the screen. | |||||||||||
screenY (event) |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the screen. | |||||||||||
wheelDelta (event) |
Returns an integer value indicating the distance that the mouse wheel rolled. | |||||||||||
x (event) |
Sets or retrieves the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest relatively positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event. | |||||||||||
y (event) |
Sets or retrieves the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the closest relatively positioned ancestor element of the element that fires the event. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
currentTarget (event) |
Returns a reference to the element whose event listener is being processed. | ||||||||||
explicitOriginalTarget (event) |
Returns a reference to the exact object on which the event originally occurred. | |||||||||||
fromElement (event) |
Returns a reference to the object that lost the active state or that the mouse pointer left. | |||||||||||
originalTarget (event) |
Returns a reference to the object on which the event originally occurred. | |||||||||||
relatedNode (event) |
Returns a reference to the node on which the mutation event occurred. | ||||||||||
relatedTarget (event) |
Returns a reference to the related element in case of onmouseover, onmouseout, dragenter and dragexit events. | ||||||||||
srcElement (event) |
Retrieves a reference to the object on which the event occurred. | |||||||||||
target (event) |
Returns a reference to the object on which the event originally occurred. | ||||||||||
toElement (event) |
Returns a reference to the object that the mouse pointer entered. | |||||||||||
view (event) |
Returns a reference to the AbstractView object where the event occurred. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
attrChange (event) |
Returns an integer that specifies the type of the action that modified an attribute. | ||||||||||
attrName (event) |
Retrieves a string that specifies the name of the modified attribute. | ||||||||||
newValue (event) |
Retrieves a string that specifies the current value of the modified attribute or TextNode element. | ||||||||||
prevValue (event) |
Retrieves a string that specifies the previous value of the modified attribute or TextNode element. | ||||||||||
propertyName (event) |
Specifies or retrieves a string that contains the name of the property that is changed. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
bubbles (event) |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event can propagate up the DOM hierarchy or not. | ||||||||||
cancelable (event) |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event can be canceled or not. | ||||||||||
cancelBubble (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event should propagate up the DOM hierarchy, or not. | ||||||||||
eventPhase (event) |
Returns an integer value that indicates the current processing phase of an event. | ||||||||||
isTrusted (event) |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the event is a trusted event or not. | ||||||||||
repeat (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the onkeydown event is being repeated (a key has been down long enough). | |||||||||||
returnValue (event) |
Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the current event is canceled. | |||||||||||
timeStamp (event) |
Returns the time in milliseconds when the current event occurred. | ||||||||||
type (event) |
Retrieves a string that represents the type of the event, such as "mouseout", "click", etc. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
dataTransfer (event) |
Represents a drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
dropEffect (dataTransfer) |
Specifies or retrieves the type of the drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
effectAllowed (dataTransfer) |
Specifies or retrieves the allowed types of the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
files (dataTransfer) |
Returns a FileList collection that represents the dropped files during the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
mozItemCount (dataTransfer) |
Returns the number of dragged items during the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
mozUserCancelled (dataTransfer) |
Returns whether the current drag-and-drop operation has been canceled by the user. | ||||||||||
types (dataTransfer) |
Returns a DOMStringList collection that contains the available data formats for the first item of the current drag-and-drop operation. |
Property | Support | Description | |||||
bookmarks (event) |
Represents a collection of ADO bookmarks associated with the rows affected by the current event. | ||||||
boundElements (event) |
Represents a collection of elements bound to the data set on which the current event occurred. | ||||||
dataFld (event) |
Sets or returns the name of the modified data column in case of the oncellchange event. |
Property | Support | Description | |||||||||||||||
data (event) |
Returns the characters entered in case of the textInput event or the contents of the message for the onmessage event. | |||||||||||||||
domain (event) |
Returns the hostname of the server that served the document that caused the onmessage event. | |||||||||||||||
lastEventId (event) |
Returns the identifier of the last event in case of onmessage events. | |||||||||||||||
origin (event) |
Returns the scheme, hostname and port of the document that caused the onmessage event. | |||||||||||||||
source (event) |
Returns a reference to the window object that contains the document that caused the onmessage event. | |||||||||||||||
uri (event) |
Returns the location of the document that caused the onmessage event. |
Property | Support | Description | |||||
event (script) |
Sets or retrieves an event that the script element should listen for. | ||||||
event (window) |
Represents an object that contains information about an event that has occurred. | ||||||
horizontalOverflow (event) |
Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates the horizontal overflow state of an element when the overflowchanged event occurred. | ||||||
orient (event) |
Retrieves whether the visibility of the horizontal or vertical scrollbar changed when the overflowchanged event occurred. | ||||||
qualifier (event) |
Sets or retrieves the name of the default data member. Use this property with data binding events (such as ondatasetcomplete). | ||||||
rangeOffset (event) |
Returns the end position of the current selection relative to the element referred to by the rangeParent. | ||||||
rangeParent (event) |
Returns a reference to the element where the selection ends. | ||||||
reason (event) |
Sets or retrieves an integer value that indicates whether the data transfer was successful or not. Use this property with ondatasetcomplete events. | ||||||
srcFilter (event) |
Specifies or retrieves a reference to the filter object that generated the onfilterchange event. | ||||||
srcUrn (event) |
Sets or retrieves the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the behavior that fired the event. | ||||||
verticalOverflow (event) |
Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates the vertical overflow state of an element when the overflowchanged event occurred. |
Event methods
Event creation and initialization methods:
Event assigning methods:
Event raising methods:
Event capturing methods:
Event simulation methods:
Drag and drop methods:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
createEvent (document, XMLDocument) |
Creates an event object with the specified type. | ||||||||||
createEventObject (document) |
Creates an event object for message sending. | |||||||||||
initDragEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'DragEvent'. | ||||||||||
initEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method. | ||||||||||
initKeyEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'KeyboardEvent'. | |||||||||||
initMessageEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'MessageEvent'. | ||||||||||
initMouseEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'MouseEvent'. | ||||||||||
initMutationEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'MutationEvent'. | ||||||||||
initOverflowEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'OverflowEvent'. | |||||||||||
initTextEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'TextEvent'. | ||||||||||
initUIEvent (event) |
Initializes an event object created by the createEvent method with type of 'UIEvent'. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
addEventListener |
Registers an event handler function (event listener) for the specified event on the current object. | ||||||||||
attachEvent | Registers an event handler function (event listener) for the specified event on the current object. | |||||||||||
detachEvent | Removes the specified event handler from the current element that was registered earlier with the attachEvent method. | |||||||||||
removeEventListener |
Removes the specified event handler from the current element that was registered earlier with the addEventListener method. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
bubbleEvent (external) |
Dispatches the current standard event from a Scriptlet Component to the browser window. | |||||||||||
dispatchEvent |
Dispatches the specified event to the current element. | ||||||||||
fireEvent | Initializes an event object and dispatches it to the current element. | |||||||||||
getPreventDefault (event) |
Returns whether the default action of the current event is canceled or not. | |||||||||||
postMessage (window) |
Provides communication between two documents regardless of their location. | ||||||||||
preventDefault (event) |
Cancels the current event. | ||||||||||
raiseEvent (external) |
Dispatches the specified custom event from a Scriptlet Component to the browser window. | |||||||||||
stopPropagation (event) |
Disables the propagation of the current event in the DOM hierarchy. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
captureEvents (document, window) |
Tells the document or window object to capture the specified types of events. | ||||||||||
disableExternalCapture (window) |
Disables event capturing for documents that are located in different domains. | ||||||||||
enableExternalCapture (window) |
Allows event capturing for documents that are located in different domains. | ||||||||||
releaseCapture | Releases the mouse capture from the browser window that was previously set by the setCapture method and restores the normal event processing. | |||||||||||
releaseEvents (document, window) |
Stops capturing the specified events that was previously set by the captureEvents method. | ||||||||||
setCapture | Sets the current object to capture mouse events that occur within the entire browser window. |
Property | Support | Description | |||||
blur | Removes the focus from the current element, and fires the onblur event. | ||||||
click | Simulates a mouse click on the current element. | ||||||
doScroll (body, div, html, span, textarea) |
Simulates a mouse click on the specified scrollbar component of the current element. | ||||||
dragDrop | Initiates a drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||
focus | Sets the focus on the current element. | ||||||
reset (form) |
Restores the contents of the elements contained by the current form to its original value. | ||||||
setActive | Sets the element as the active element in the current document. | ||||||
submit (form) |
Submits the data placed in the current form element. |
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
addElement (dataTransfer) |
Specifies the feedback image for the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
clearData (dataTransfer) |
Removes the specified formatted data from the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
getData (dataTransfer) |
Retrieves the specified formatted data from the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
mozClearDataAt (dataTransfer) |
Removes the specified formatted data associated to the dragged item at the specified position from the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
mozGetDataAt (dataTransfer) |
Retrieves the specified formatted data associated to the dragged item at the specified position from the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
mozSetDataAt (dataTransfer) |
Specifies the data, its format and the associated position for the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
mozTypesAt (dataTransfer) |
Returns a DOMStringList collection that contains the available data formats for the item at the specified position in the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
setData (dataTransfer) |
Specifies the data and its format for the current drag-and-drop operation. | ||||||||||
setDragImage (dataTransfer) |
Specifies the feedback image and the mouse cursor position for the current drag-and-drop operation. |
Events in JavaScript
Character input and clipboard events:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
onbeforecopy | Occurs before the selection is copied to the clipboard and before the oncopy event. | |||||||||||
onbeforecut | Occurs before the selection is cut from the document and provides a possibility to enable the Cut menu item. | |||||||||||
onbeforepaste | Occurs before the contents of the clipboard are pasted into the document and provides a possibility to enable the Paste menu item. | |||||||||||
oncopy | Occurs before the selection is copied to the clipboard. | |||||||||||
oncut | Occurs before the selection is cut from the document and added to the clipboard. | |||||||||||
oninput |
Occurs when the text content of an element is changed through the user interface. | ||||||||||
onkeydown | Occurs on an element that has the focus when a key is pressed down and occurs periodically until the key is released. | |||||||||||
onkeypress | Occurs on an element that has the focus when a key is pressed down and occurs periodically until the key is released. | |||||||||||
onkeyup | Occurs on an element that has the focus when the user releases a key. | |||||||||||
onpaste | Occurs before the contents of the clipboard are pasted into the document. | |||||||||||
textInput |
Occurs when some characters are entered into an element. |
Load, unload and state events:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
onabort | Occurs when the user aborts the loading of an img or input:image element. | |||||||||||
onbeforeunload | Occurs before the browser unloads the document and provides a possibility to display a confirmation dialog, where the user can confirm whether he wants to stay or leave the current page. | |||||||||||
onhashchange |
Occurs when the hash subsection (begins with a '#' sign) of the current document's URL has changed. | ||||||||||
onload | Occurs when an object has been loaded. | |||||||||||
onoffline |
Occurs when the browser starts to work offline. | ||||||||||
ononline |
Occurs when the browser starts to work online. | ||||||||||
onreadystatechange | Occurs when the load state of the data that belongs to an element or a HTML document changes. | |||||||||||
onreadystatechange (XMLDocument) | Occurs when the load state of the XMLDocument object changes. | |||||||||||
onreadystatechange (XMLHttpRequest) | Occurs when the state of the request changes. | |||||||||||
onstop | Occurs when the user aborts the loading of the document. | |||||||||||
onunload | Occurs before the browser unloads the document. |
Form events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onreset | Occurs on a form before it is reset. | ||||||
onsubmit | Occurs on a form element when the user clicks on a submit button in the form. |
Mouse events and scrolling:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
onclick | Occurs when the user clicks on an element. | |||||||||||
oncontextmenu |
Occurs when the right mouse button is clicked on an element and the context menu is shown. | ||||||||||
ondblclick | Occurs when the user double clicks on an element. | |||||||||||
onlosecapture | Occurs when the object loses the mouse capture. | |||||||||||
onmouseenter | Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer into the area of an element. | |||||||||||
onmousedown | Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over an element. | |||||||||||
onmouseleave | Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the element. | |||||||||||
onmousemove | Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the element. | |||||||||||
onmouseout | Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the element. | |||||||||||
onmouseover | Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer into the element. | |||||||||||
onmouseup | Occurs when the user releases a mouse button over an element. | |||||||||||
onmousewheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel rolls. | |||||||||||
onscroll | Occurs when the contents of an element have been scrolled. |
Move and drag events:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
onmove | Occurs when the position of an element's top-left corner is changed. | |||||||||||
onmoveend | Occurs when the user stops dragging an absolute or relative positioned element in an editable region. | |||||||||||
onmovestart | Occurs when the user starts dragging an absolute or relative positioned element in an editable region. | |||||||||||
ondrag |
Occurs periodically on the source element during the drag operation. | ||||||||||
ondragend |
Occurs on the source element when the user has finished the drag operation. | ||||||||||
ondragenter | Occurs on an element when the user moves the mouse pointer into it during a drag operation. | |||||||||||
ondragleave |
Occurs on an element when the user moves the mouse pointer out of it during a drag operation. | ||||||||||
ondragover | Occurs periodically on an element while the mouse pointer is over it during a drag operation. | |||||||||||
ondragstart |
Occurs on the source element when the user starts the drag operation. | ||||||||||
ondrop |
Occurs on a possible target element when the dragged data is dropped on it. |
Resize events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onresize | Occurs when the size of an object has changed. | ||||||
onresizeend | Occurs when the user stops resizing an element in an editable region. | ||||||
onresizestart | Occurs when the user starts to resize an element in an editable region. |
Activation and focus events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onactivate | Occurs when an element becomes active. | ||||||
onbeforeactivate | Occurs before an element becomes active. | ||||||
onbeforedeactivate | Occurs on the active element before it loses the active state. | ||||||
onbeforeeditfocus | Occurs before an input:file, input:password, input:text or textarea element or an element in an editable region becomes a UI-activated. | ||||||
onblur | Occurs when an element loses focus. | ||||||
ondeactivate | Occurs on the active element when it loses the active state. | ||||||
onfocus | Occurs when an element receives focus. | ||||||
onfocusin | Occurs before an element receives focus. | ||||||
onfocusout | Occurs after an element loses focus. |
Selection events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
oncontrolselect | Occurs before a control is selected in an editable region. | ||||||
onselect | Occurs after some text has been selected in an element. | ||||||
onselectionchange | Occurs when the selection in the document has changed. | ||||||
onselectstart | Occurs at the start of a selection process. |
Print and help events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onafterprint | Occurs when the browser has built the contents of the current document for printing or for the print preview. | ||||||
onbeforeprint | Occurs when the browser starts to build the contents of the current document for printing or for the print preview. | ||||||
onhelp | Occurs after the user has pressed the F1 key. |
Error events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onerror | Fires when an error occurs while loading an external file. | ||||||
onerror (window) | Fires when a script error occurs. | ||||||
onerrorupdate | Occurs on a databound object when it cannot update the data in the data source object. |
DataBound events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onafterupdate | Occurs on a databound object after it updates the data in the data source object. | ||||||
onbeforeupdate | Occurs on a databound object before it updates the data in the data source object. | ||||||
oncellchange | Occurs on a data source object when the data in it has changed. | ||||||
ondataavailable | Occurs each time when a new chunk of data becomes available from the source. | ||||||
ondatasetchanged | Occurs on a data source object when the initial or a new data set becomes available. | ||||||
ondatasetcomplete | Occurs on a data source object when all its data becomes available. | ||||||
onrowenter | Occurs on a data source object when the current row in it has changed. | ||||||
onrowexit | Occurs on a data source object before the current row in it changes. | ||||||
onrowsdelete | Occurs on a data source object before rows are deleted. | ||||||
onrowsinserted | Occurs on a data source object when rows have been inserted. |
Marquee events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onbounce | Occurs when the contents of a marquee element touch one side of the marquee element's bounding rectangle. | ||||||
onfinish | Occurs when a marquee element has finished the scrolling animation. | ||||||
onstart | Occurs when a marquee element begins the scrolling animation and when a new loop starts. |
Change events:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onchange | Occurs when the selection, the checked state or the contents of an element have changed. In some cases, it only occurs when the element loses the focus. | ||||||
onfilterchange | Occurs after a filter has changed or finished a transition. | ||||||
onpropertychange | Occurs every time when the value of an element's property is changed. |
Search event:
Property | Support | Description | |||||
onsearch | Occurs when the user presses the ENTER key or clicks the 'Erase search text' button (x) in an input:search field. |
Cross-document communication event:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
onmessage |
Occurs when the postMessage method sends a message to the current window. |
Additional events:
Property | Support | Description | ||||||||||
CheckboxStateChange | Occurs when the state of a checkbox has changed. | |||||||||||
DOMActivate | Occurs when an element becomes active. | |||||||||||
DOMAttrModified |
Fires when an attribute is added, removed or when the value of an attribute is modified by script. | ||||||||||
DOMCharacterDataModified |
Fires when a script changes the value of a TextNode. | ||||||||||
DOMFocusIn | Occurs before an element receives focus. | |||||||||||
DOMFocusOut | Occurs before an element loses the focus. | |||||||||||
DOMMouseScroll | Occurs when the mouse wheel rolls. | |||||||||||
DOMNodeInserted |
Occurs on a node when it is added to an element. | ||||||||||
DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument | Occurs on a node when it is inserted into the document. | |||||||||||
DOMNodeRemoved |
Occurs on a node when it is removed from its parent. | ||||||||||
DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument | Occurs on a node when it is removed from the document. | |||||||||||
DOMSubtreeModified |
Fires on a node when a modification occurs in the subtree that belongs to it. | ||||||||||
dragdrop |
Occurs on a possible target element when the dragged data is dropped on it. | ||||||||||
dragexit | Occurs on an element when the user moves the mouse pointer out of it during a drag operation. | |||||||||||
draggesture | Occurs on the source element when the user starts the drag operation. | |||||||||||
overflow | Occurs when the contents or the size of an element is changed and it causes a scrollbar to appear. | |||||||||||
overflowchanged | Occurs when the contents or the size of an element is changed and it causes a scrollbar to appear or disappear. | |||||||||||
RadioStateChange | Occurs when the state of a radio button has changed. | |||||||||||
underflow | Occurs when the contents or the size of an element is changed and it causes a scrollbar to disappear. |
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